
Yom Hashoah VeHagevurah: Never Again!

At sundown this evening, Yom Hashoah VeHagevurah, a Day of Remembrance of the Holocaust, comes to an end. The day is also to pay tribute to the heroism of those who endured unthinkable acts for no reason other than that they were Jewish.

Today, 70 years after the end of World War II we, as …

400 Torontonians Join Jews in Poland on March of the Living

By David Matlow--If we came to Poland on the Adult March of the Living looking for answers, so far, three days into our journey, we only have more questions.

We arrived on Monday in a chartered El Al Jumbo Jet. The significance of flying on the national airline of Israel from our comfortabl…

A special message from Morris Zbar, President & CEO of UJA Federation

Each year at Passover, we join with our friends and loved ones at the seder table to commemorate and celebrate our Exodus from Egypt.

As Jews fortunate enough to call Toronto our home, it is also a time when we celebrate this incredible city, and our wonderful community, both of which allow…

UJA Campaign Director Steven Shulman Responds to Article on Anti-Semitism

This letter was originally published in the Birmingham Jewish Federation Update

Update had a story recently, based on a news report, that suggested that anti-Semitism is growing in Toronto, Canada. Steven Shulman, an Update reader who lives in Toronto, responded to the story, addressing hi…

Freddie Shore Makes a Big Splash with Gift to Miles Nadal JCC

Torontonian Freddie Shore, a man who has always had a love for athletics, is giving back to the Miles Nadal Jewish Community Centre, a place where Freddie still makes a big splash early in the morning.

Through UJA Federation's Tomorrow Campaign, Freddie recently made a generous and visionar…