
Important Study on Jewish Poverty

The UJA Federation of Greater Toronto is conducting an important study this summer on poverty in the Jewish community of the GTA. We know from the 2011 National Household Survey that poverty is increasing in the Jewish community and addressing this challenge is a priority issue at UJA. The …

UJA Federation cooks up breakfast with Natan Sharansky

On July 15, approximately 70 of UJA’s leading donors enjoyed breakfast with Natan Sharansky, Chairman of the Jewish Agency for Israel (JAFI), UJA Federation’s overseas partner. Hosted and sponsored by Gluskin Sheff & Associates Inc., attendees heard from Sharansky, a human rights activis…

Grant allows more GTA families to benefit from UJA Federation’s PJ Library

GTA area families raising Jewish children will now have more opportunities to participate in Jewish life, thanks to a grant recently awarded by the Harold Grinspoon Foundation. The foundation created PJ Library, which offers Jewish books and programs to families around the globe.  

UJA Fed…

Compelling travelling exhibition makes a stop in Toronto

The Ukrainian Jewish Encounter (UJE) travelling exhibition, “A Journey through the Ukrainian-Jewish Encounter: from Antiquity to 1914”, had its Toronto opening in conjunction with the Ukrainian Museum of Canadian History on Wednesday, July 8, 2015.

UJA Federation's STEM initiative takes Sderot students to Science Camp

Close to 60 high school students from Sderot – a UJA Federation partner community - recently took part in a three-day residential science camp in Be’er Sheva.

The students – boy and girls – study at local religious high schools in Sderot.

“We conducted all kinds of experiments an…