
Mitzvah Project Planned by Teens Brings Chanukah Joy to GTA Seniors

Photo Credit: Jody Kamen

On Sunday December 7th, and with Chanukah just around the corner, participants of the Jewish Foundation of Greater Toronto’s B'nai Tzedek Teen Philanthropy program had the opportunity to learn how to make latkes and applesauce from noted cookbook author, Norene Gi…

New faces introduced at UJA’s Annual General Meeting

By Daniel Horowitz--It’s been said that change is good.

And last week, The Lipa Green Centre on Sherman Campus was abuzz with changes aplenty as UJA Federation held its Annual General Meeting, celebrating the successes – and contemplating the challenges – of 2013/2014.

Morris Zbar, P…

UJA Federation establishes fund for family of Howard Rothman

By Daniel Horowitz --Tuesday’s horrific attack on Jerusalem’s Kehilat Bnei Torah synagogue, where Palestinian terrorists killed four Jewish worshippers and injured five more, has profoundly, tragically and permanently affected the lives of a man who grew up in Jewish Toronto, and his fam…

Hillel Ontario holds first ever Lay Leadership Retreat

By Dr. Donald A. Sylvan--Lay Hillel leaders and Hillel Directors from throughout Ontario came together at the Prosserman JCC on Sunday, November 16 to discuss how to create strong lay-professional partnerships to benefit our Jewish students.  Dr. Hal Lewis, President and CEO of the Spertus …

A special message from Morris Zbar, President & CEO of UJA Federation

On behalf of UJA Federation of Greater Toronto, I want to extend my sincere condolences to the families and friends of those murdered in today’s senseless and brutal terror attack that saw four innocent Israeli civilians