Topics include:
Bible Stories
Tikun Olam
Cantorial (Chazzanut)
Generational Education
And so much more...
You can now browse our collection from the comfort of your home and reserve the DVD you would like.
DVDs and CDs may be loaned for a period of 2 weeks. Most items can be renewed, up to a maximum of two times.
Renewal requests must be made before the due date expires. Late materials will be charged $2 per item per day, up to a maximum of $10 per item. Patrons that frequently return materials late or who have accrued significant late fees will be required to provide a deposit of $25 before they may borrow any other materials.
The Media Centre is located in the Lipa Green Centre
4600 Bathurst St, 4th floor
Toronto, ON
M2R 1W6
Monday - Thursday: 830am - 5pm
Friday: 8:30am - 12:30pm
There is a drop box for returns located in the lobby of the Lipa Green Centre