
Updates from the Federation National Solidarity Mission to Israel

Federations are showing solidarity with the people of Israel, raising funds for special needs of communities engendered by the conflict, as well as planning and carrying out rallies attended by thousands across Canada, including 1,500 in Toronto last Wednesday. We started to put together a F…

Toronto Jewry Rallies for the People of Israel

By Dan Horowitz - Approximately 1,500 members of Toronto’s Jewish community, made their way to Toronto’s Beth Tzedec Congregation on July 16 to show their support for the people of Israel at a community rally.

The rally - sponsored by UJA Federation of Greater Toronto and its advocacy p…

Donate to UJA's Israel Emergency Relief Fund

Over 550 rockets have been fired into Israel since Monday, targeting heavily populated civilian areas. At the height of rush hour on July 10th, sirens again sounded in Tel Aviv. Hamas took credit for the Tel Aviv attack, saying it fired M75 rockets, which have a range of 75 kilometers (46 mi…

Toronto's Jewish community says goodbye to 'Our Boys'

Close to 2,000 members of Toronto’s Jewish community filled Shaarei Shomayim Congregation on July 7 in a show of solidarity and unity, and to say their final goodbyes to Eyal Yifrach, Gil-ad Sha’ar and Naftali Fraenkel, the three Israeli teens kidnapped and murdered by Hamas June 12.


Toronto Jews rally for kidnapped Israeli teens

A thousand members of Toronto’s Jewish community came out Thursday evening to a rally in solidarity with Gilad Shaar, Naftali Fraenkel and Eyal Yifrach, the three missing Israeli teens believed by Israel to have been abducted by Hamas. The Rally, held at the Schwartz/Reisman Centre on Vaug…