
JAFI Positions on Western Wall Agreement and Conversion Bill

In response to the Knesset vote on Sunday, June 23 regarding the Western Wall agreement, below is the response released by the Chairman of UJA Federation's overseas partner, The Jewish Agency for Israel (JAFI), Natan Sharansky: 

“As Chairman of The Jewish Agency for Israel, and on beha…

Toronto Rises Up for Jewish Education

On June 20th at 12:00 pm noon Toronto Jewish Day Schools from across the religious spectrum kicked off a united and unprecedented 24 hour Giving Day for Jewish day school education. Nine participating schools rallied the Toronto community to donate to Jewish education and raise Toronto.


The Toronto Jewish Community Performance Dashboard

By Daniel Horowitz--As Jewish Toronto continues to grow and flourish, UJA Federation is moving towards evidence-based, data-driven and impact-focused decision making in order to better serve our community. The 2016 Toronto Jewish Community Performance Dashboard, initiated by UJA Federation o…

Sam Hershenhorn, 91, prepares for his 48th consecutive UJA Walk with Israel

While most nonagenarians could be excused for wanting to put their feet up and take their “golden years” easy, 91-year-old Sam Hershenhorn continues, as he has done for the past 47 years, to put his feet to much better use.

Since the inception of UJA Federation’s signature event, the …

Remembering the Six Million

UJA’s Neuberger Centre’s Community Holocaust Commemoration program filled Adath Israel Congregation on Sunday, April 23, with approximately 800 people on hand to commemorate the 6 million victims of the Shoah. The audience included Holocaust survivors and their families; Toronto Mayor Jo…