Enjoy an Evening filled with the vibrant Spirit and Passion of Bruce Springsteen!
“The River Street Band is convincing. They give audiences the same generosity and intensity as Springsteen himself.” - The Toronto Star. Visit the website to learn more about the Band - see video clips and more: riverstreetband.com
Jesse Gold is a Pop/Rock/R&B singer, songwriter and guitarist who worked with Montreal artist Nikki Yanofsky. The two Co-wrote "Come On Over" which would become track 4 of Jesse's "Back To Tomorrow" EP. See Jesse Gold's BIO
Register HERE or contact Julie Gonik at: jgonik@ujafed.org / 416.635.2883 ext. 5229
UJA is Working on the Dream of transforming the lives of 24,000 Jews in Toronto who live below the poverty line.