Temple Sinai S'lichot 2024 - We're Stronger Together
Saturday, September 28 from 9.00 pm to 11.00 pm
These unprecedented and unsettled times have led to a renewal of Jewish pride and involvement.
Temple Sinai's S'lichot services are not just the beginning of our High Holy Day season, it’s also a chance to express our love and support for Israel, for our Canadian Jewish community, and for each other.
Already well known for thought provoking content, great music and engaging performers, this year’s S’lichot will feature new music, new faces, and more participation than ever.
Featuring our Temple clergy, Ensemble Choir, our friends at the Harold Green Jewish Theatre, this will be our chance to come together, sing together, pray together, and simply...be together.
Remember we’re stronger together
Register https://rebrand.ly/tsct-slichot24
Sponsor: Temple Sinai Congregation of Toronto