
10 2024

Homelessness in a Whole New Light

12:00PM - 1:00PM  

Ve'ahavta 4100 Chesswood Drive
Unit 1
Toronto, ON M3J 2B9
416-964-7698 jenny.hazan@veahavta.org

Contact Jenny Hazan

October 10th is World Homeless Day and for the second year in a row, Ve'ahavta is lighting up the CN Tower in Ve'ahavta colours to illuminate this social issue, and the power we all possess to make a real difference. Register to attend Ve’ahavta’s lunchtime learning session, Homelessness in a whole new light. Register for Homelessness in a whole new light - an illuminating lunchtime learning session on homelessness and poverty in our city and the small acts that you can do to make a real difference.

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