Jewish high school funding initiative an early success

UJA Federation was honoured to secure visionary gifts from Edie Neuberger and Norm Jesin, and Irving and Toddy Granovsky and family, to benefit TanenbaumCHAT; gifts that came with the condition that tuition remains below $19,000 for five years. These generous donations are already having impact: almost 300 students are registered for grade nine this fall, compared with 199 in the past year. Additional fundraising is helping bridge the remaining gap in the school's operating budget created by the reduced tuition, ensuring TanenbaumCHAT continues to provide a comprehensive, premier Jewish experience.

At the school's recent graduation, TanenbaumCHAT Board of Directors' President Ray Rubin thanked the generous donors. "We are extremely grateful for the enormous generosity of the Neuberger-Jesin and Granovsky families. But even more, we are inspired by the true leadership lesson they are teaching us. They understand that it is the responsibility of our entire community to secure our collective future by making TanenbaumCHAT accessible to as many teenagers as possible. They recognize that by anchoring teenagers in Jewish values and Jewish peoplehood, TanenbaumCHAT challenges, supports and prepares them to live lives of high moral character, intellectual curiosity, Jewish commitment, and civic duty. Many of you have already followed their example and I offer my deepest gratitude, as it is only with continued support from our parents and broader community that we are able to offer the current tuition reduction and to contemplate any level of reduction beyond the five years of the gifts."

TanenbaumCHAT and UJA Federation are committed to keeping Jewish high school accessible to as many families as possible - for the next four years and beyond. If you would like to support this important community initiative, please contact Frances Bigman at 416-636-5984 x 230 or at

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