Our mission is to give Mothers and Children in crisis the promise of a brighter future by providing funds to support their care.
Forever Chai Foundation of Canada proudly supports the Shabtai Levi Home. The Shabtai Levi Home is a Residential and Emergency Centre in Haifa, Israel. As a direct result of our fundraising efforts, the Shabtai Levi Home's well-regarded Mother/Child Unit was established and currently receives several referrals weekly from the Israeli Ministry of Welfare and Juvenile Courts. In five separate units, young mothers live with their child or children and progress through this supportive setting towards living as independent families.
We define our success by the success of programs we support to break the cycle of violence by giving the mothers and the children of the Shabtai Home the opportunity to become full functioning members of Israeli society.
Contacts: Ellen Goldstein (President) ellengoldstein@hotmail.com, Marya Grad (Treasurer) mgrad@rogers.com