The Blog for Jewish Educators

Empowering Your Child to Hold The “Worry Ball”

By Jacob Gallinger, Principal, Bialik Hebrew Day School

Consider the following two hypothetical Bialik students:

Arnold is a kind and bright boy. He loves to play sports at recess and is the captain of his double A hockey team. His parents have been relatively uninvolved in his school exp…

Mental Health in the Workplace

Written by Leanne Matlow

A certain amount of stress and yes,  anxiety,  is normal and actually useful.  At work as well at home, you need it to get things accomplished, to keep you organized and even to get you energized.  But what if you have too much of a good thing?  Like chocolate,…

Recognizing Distress as the New School Year Approaches

Written by Leanne Matlow

All learning and growth occurs when we push ourselves to try new things and, even when we fail, we get back up and try again.  

There are certain behaviours that parents and/or teachers should watch for in a child’s behaviour, in order for adults to recognize…