
9 2023

Va’ani Tefilati: A Community Selihot Service

10:30PM - 11:59PM  

Beth Tzedec 1700 Bathurst St
Toronto, ON M5P 3K3

Contact Synagogue Office

Join us for an inspiring musical Seliẖot service focusing on the theme of Va’ani Tefilati. Featuring Cantor Sidney Ezer, Cantor David Edwards, and Cantor Jeremy Burko, accompanied on piano by Asher Farber, with insightful readings and kavanot by Rabbi Steven Wernick and Rabbi Louis Sachs. A dessert reception follows. Then at midnight, the Gates open!

This program will be offered for both in-person and online participation. There is no charge but pre-registration is required.

Sponsor: Beth Tzedec, Beth Torah and Beth Radom Congregations

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