Beth Emeth Bais Yehuda Synagogue in conjunction with Beth Tzedec Congregation present
The Sam & Sarah Kerzner Holocaust Memorial Institute Scholar Weekend featuring Professor Stephen Berk,
The Henry and Sally Schaffer Professor of Holocaust and Jewish Studies, Union College, New York
70 Years after Auschwitz
Thursday, May 28th at 7:30 pm - 70 Years Later: The Second World War in Historical Perspective
Dessert Reception Following
Friday, May 29th Kabbalat Shabbat 6:30 pm
Dinner and lecture following: Putin: The Practice of Power
Cost: $38 Adults; $18 Youth (ages 6-14); $6 Children (ages 1-5).
Dinner by advance registration only by Tuesday, May 26th. To register, contact:
Shabbat, May 30th – Shacharit 8:45 am Pulpit address: A Tale of Two Elections (Israel & USA)
continues with a question and answer session at Kiddush following services.
Sunday, May 31st
Breakfast 9:30 am (no charge), Lecture 10:00 am
After 70 Years: Auschwitz and Anti-Semitism