
17 2025

Temple Sinai Skate with Sinai

10:15AM - 12:45PM  

Larry Grossman Forest Hill Arena 340 Chaplin Crescent
Toronto, ON M5N 2N3
416.487/4161 david@templesinai.net

Contact David Collin

Temple Sinai Skate with Sinai
Monday, February 17 from 10:15am to 12:45pm

t's that time of year again to sharpen your skates, bundle up, and join us for some fun on and off the ice at Skate With Sinai along with fellow Temple Sinai families at the Larry Grossman Forest Hill Arena
Warm up with some delicious hot chocolate and enjoy some treats.
Skates rentals are available on-site. Please bring your own helmets (bike helmets are fine).

Registration coming soon - https://rebrand.ly/tsct-sws25

Sponsor: Temple Sinai Congregation of Toronto

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