
25 2015

Speaker John D Reid at Jewish Genealogical Society of Toronto

8:00PM - 9:30PM  

Temple Sinai Congregation of Toronto 210 Wilson Ave
Toronto, ON

Contact Jewish Genealogical Society of Toronto

John D Reid will be speaking at Jewish Genealogical Society of Toronto

DNA Testing for Genealogy: not Just for Men 

DNA is a natural if unconventional genealogical record with the potential to reveal unanticipated family secrets. At its start in 2000 commercial DNA genealogy tests were mostly on the Y-chromosome, which is inherited by men from their father, so establishing if two men tested had a common male ancestor. Women felt excluded. That changed when started offering a new generation of tests in 2006. Autosomal DNA, inherited equally from both parents, is now often the genetic genealogist`s test of choice for identifying cousins from all branches of the family tree. The presentation explains how these powerful tests offered by 23andMe, Family Tree DNA and AncestryDNA can assist your genealogical research.

John D Reid is an English-born Ottawa-based family historian and genealogy blogger at He has authored books on home children, the 1885 Northwest Rebellion and numerous articles including many as an environmental research scientist. He is a past president of the British Isles Family History Society of Greater Ottawa, member of the UK Society of Genealogists and often speaks on family history topics.

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