Selihot Shabbat at Beth Tzedec Congregation with visiting scholar Rabbi Jonathan Porath, 18th generation of rabbis in his family and author of Jews in Russia: The Last Four Centuries.
- Shabbat morning, Services 8:45 am
- Pulpit Address – Ending the Old Year: Nurturing our Jewish Hearts and Jewish Souls
- Kiddush following Services – Opening our Hearts and Sharing our Stories
- Saturday night at 9:30 pm – Approaching the New Year: Coping with Life’s Transitions
- 10:45 pm – Meaningful and Mystical Selihot Service with Cantor Simon Spiro and Beth Tzedec Singers with Rabbis Baruch Frydman-Kohl, Adam Cutler and Cantor Sidney Ezer. A late night spiritual prelude to the High Holy Day season.
- Midnight dessert reception follows. No charge.