
13 2022

Reb Steve's Salon

7:30PM - 9:30PM  

Beth Tzedec Online Series
416-781-3511 info@beth-tzedec.org

Contact Sheri Federman
416-781-3514 ext. 227

Salon, meaning relational.

Difficult conversations should not be ignored but laid on the table and tossed and turned, understood and respected, unity without unanimity. In "The Zionist Ideas", author Gil Troy explores backstories, dreams and legacies of more than 170 Jewish visionaries. Referencing Troy's text, Rabbi Steven Wernick will lead a discussion focusing on the different elements within the Zionist conversation.

Ultimately, our project will emphasize two seemingly contradictory notions:

A. Zionism is a big tent. Within our diverse communities, from across the ideological and religious spectrum, Jews can find elements of Zionism that appeal to us, allowing us to contribute in our own unique way to the greatest Jewish project of our time; and
B. This tent has both red lines and blue & white lines. Red lines are those we agree not to abrogate, such as negating Jewish peoplehood or statehood) Blue & white lines are the fundamentals upon which we all can agree, starting with the most basic definition of Zionism as the movement of Jewish national liberation.

No charge, but participants must purchase Gil Troy’s book "The Zionist Ideas", available from Amazon. This class series will be offered via Zoom only. Pre-registration is required to access the Zoom link information. To register, visit https://bethtzedectoronto.shulcloud.com/form/rebstevessalon.html.

Sponsor: The Institute for Jewish Learning, in memory of Anne and Max Tanenbaum

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