
18 2015

Friends of Yiddish presents author, Michael Wex

2:00PM - 3:30PM  

Beth Tikvah Synagogue 3080 Bayview Avenue
Toronto, ON M2N 5L3
416 221 3433 info@bethtikvahtoronto.org

Contact Sandy
416-736-8073 or 416-458-1440

$ Cost $ 10.00

Friends of Yiddish presents author, Michael Wex, on: ‘Pigs, Poultry & Pampers: The Religious Roots of Yiddish’”
“Famous Toronto author, Michael Wex, humorously explains the endearing ironies and paradoxes of popular Yiddish expressions.”

Event is Free for Current for Members; Welcome Guests: $10 at door

•        accessible facility; two hour program
•        Refreshments, Free Parking, Door Prizes are included
Please RSVP by Wednesday, October 14, 2015 to: yiddish18@yahoo.ca or call Sandy at 416-736-8073 or 416-458-1440 ( helps us prepare snacks, ballots, seating and prizes.]


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