
10 2024

Beit Midrash: Learning Inspired by the Shalom Hartman Institute

7:00PM - 8:30PM  

Holy Blossom Temple Holy Blossom Temple
1950 Bathurst Street
Toronto, ON M5P 3K9
4167893291 ssibony@holyblossom.org

Contact Holy Temple

$ Cost $ 360.00

A Beit Midrash, the house of study, is a playground for growing Jewish minds at every level. It is the place where you are given the freedom to explore texts and scripture, legends and law at your own speed. At first glance, you might mistake it for a library, with books piled high along the wall, but its buzz of conversation, debate, and comradery disabuse any notion that it is a place for silence. A Beit Midrash is a place to learn Torah in all its glory. It is a place filled with life.

Join Rabbi Samuel Kaye in the Beit Midrash! We gather on Wednesday evenings for a journey through Jewish wisdom, text, and history. Learners with all levels of knowledge are welcome to come and study. Our learning will come from the celebrated “Foundations for a Thoughtful Judaism” program from the Shalom Hartman Institute.

The spring session is part of an ongoing two-year course, but learners are welcome to join for just a session, or commit to the next year-and-a-half. The program began in November 2023, and will continue in seasonal sessions until summer 2025. Costs of the course include full-colour individual sourcebooks from the Shalom-Hartman Institute curriculum.

Sponsor: Holy Blossom Temple

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