
28 2016

A Temple Sinai Program — The Refugees Experience

7:30PM - 9:00PM  

Temple Sinai Congregation of Toronto 210 Wilson Avenue
Toronto, ON M5M 3B1
416-487-4161 programs@templesinai.net

Contact Temple Office

Every year, Pesach challenges us to relive the experience of the Exodus. This year, as our world deals with the largest immigrant challenge since WWII, no theme could be more timely. We are privileged to again partner with our friends from the Harold Green Jewish Theatre in bringing this season to life! Through drama, contemporary and new music and story, we will spend the 7th night of Pesach remembering when we went forth from Egypt. Temple Sinai Ensemble Choir participating. Time: 7:30 p.m. There is no charge for this program. For more information, please call the Temple Office at 416-487-4161 or e-mail programs@templesinai.net. 210 Wilson Avenue. 

Sponsor: Temple Sinai Congregation of Toronto

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