Join BT 20s and 30s at our annual Shabbat Shirah dinner with our special musical guest Galeet Dardashti. This is the kick-off event for Beth Tzedec's 70th anniversary celebrations.
We will begin at 6:00 p.m. as a community at our musical Friday night service lead by the Shabbat at the Floor team alongside Galeet Dardashti. Following the Service, 20s and 30s are invited to a Shabbat dinner catered by Apex Kosher Catering where Galeet Dardashti will join us for part of the evening.
Cost for dinner:
- $25 for Beth Tzedec members
- $30 for the community.
Pre-registration is required by Sunday, February 2 at 11:00 a.m. To register, visit
Presented as part of Beth Tzedec Congregation's 70th anniversary celebrations.
Generously supported by the Faye and Joseph Firestone Annual Concert Endowment, Presented as part of Beth Tzedec Congregation's 70th Anniversary Celebrations
The Faye and Joseph Firestone Annual Concert Endowment
The Victor and Renee Topper Annual Cantorial Shabbat Endowment
Beth Tzedec's Arts & Culture Fund
The Cantor Sidney Ezer Discretionary Fund