UJA Launches Legal Action Related to Ottawa Rally


We are writing to update you about an important issue impacting our rights as Jewish Canadians.


As you may recall, at the beginning of December, UJA booked more than 70 buses to transport Toronto community members to our national rally on Parliament Hill. Shockingly, 17 buses in Toronto did not show.


These 17 buses were the responsibility of one contractor and one particular sub-contractor. The sub-contractor failed to respond to all communications despite confirming participation and charging in full in advance. At the time, we shared our view that this appeared to be an intentional move to disrupt our rally—and that we would be seeking full accountability.


Since the Ottawa rally, our first priority has been to secure a full refund, protecting the interests of the thousands of community members who give generously to UJA. Despite providing sufficient opportunity to be repaid by those responsible, as of today, we have not received a refund and our patience has reached its limit. 


Our second priority has been to ensure legal accountability not only for financial purposes, but also so that this outrageous act of discrimination against our community does not go unchallenged. 


Today, UJA launched a lawsuit in the Ontario Superior Court of Justice against those responsible, seeking to recoup our costs as well as damages for breaches of the Ontario Human Rights Code. 


We are doing so to pursue justice and to send a message to all of Canadian society. At a time of rising antisemitism, we will stand up for our rights and hold accountable those who discriminate against Jews. Acts of hatred must—and will—have consequences. 


We will provide further updates to you as this case develops. Thank you for your solidarity and support for our community at this critical time.


We wish our entire community health, happiness, and strength in 2024.


Jeff Rosenthal
Chair of the Board

UJA Federation of Greater Toronto


Adam Minsky
President & CEO

UJA Federation of Greater Toronto