I hope you are healthy and well at this very difficult time. We at UJA Federation, with our partners, are doing everything we can to strengthen the resilience of our community in the face of this crisis.
The Government of Canada and the Government of Ontario have launched an extensive range of initiatives to help residents, businesses, and non-profit organizations during the COVID-19 pandemic. In an effort to make it as easy as possible for community institutions – like day schools, synagogues, agencies, and JCCs – and community members to access these benefits, UJA Federation’s advocacy agent, the Centre for Israel and Jewish Affairs (CIJA), has created a valuable online resource that offers details on the federal and provincial aid available to the public:
https://cija.ca/covid-19-resources/ (click Federal and Ontario, for full information)
CIJA will be updating this page every weekday at 4pm. I encourage you to consult it regularly and share it with anyone you think may benefit.
CIJA, with the strong support of UJA Federation, is calling on governments to take meaningful steps to invest in Canada’s charities, which are playing a crucial role in helping Canadians get through this pandemic safely. More details may be found in a Globe & Mail op-ed UJA Federation recently co-authored with our partner Federations in Montreal and Vancouver. We encourage you to share CIJA’s action alert, which mobilizes community members to email our elected officials and urge their support for Canada’s charities. Our voice is stronger when we speak as one, especially during this period of crisis.
Wishing you good health – Shabbat Shalom,
Steven Shulman
Senior VP, Corporate Affairs, Community Relations, and Counsel