David Shentow z”l

“I would crawl on my hands and knees all the way to Auschwitz-Birkenau, or anywhere else, to tell my story to anyone who was willing to listen. This is why I march and why I still speak.”

David Shentow was born on April 29, 1925 in Warsaw, Poland. His family moved to Antwerp, Belgium when he was 6 weeks old to escape waves of pogroms. In 1942, he and his father were sent to France to build walls for defense against the allied invasion of Normandy. His Father went back to Antwerp to find his Mother and sisters, but David never saw them again. David was deported to Auschwitz where he was given #72585. In 1943 he was transported to the Warsaw ghetto to level the remains of the buildings shattered during the ghetto uprising. David was sent on a death march from Warsaw to Kutno, in 1944, and was then sent to Dachau where he was liberated by American troops on his 20th birthday. David immigrated to Canada in 1949 to be near his Uncle. He married Rose and they have two daughters Renee z”l and Lorie, two grandchildren and four great grandchildren. David passed away on June 12, 2017.

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