The 4th annual The Tech Shuk is a fundraiser event that brings together the Canadian and Israeli start-up community in support of the JNF, specifically The Jaffa Daled After-School Educational Enrichment Center Expansion Project
We invite Canadian and Israeli entrepreneurs, venture capitalists and young professionals to showcase your start ups with a chance to pitch your ideas to a pannel of CEO's and VC's.
This year we are excited to have Jodi Kovitz as our Moderator
Don't have a start up? No problem!
Come join us for networking, demo pit and the Lion's den competition and vote for your favorite start up!
The event consists of three components:
Demo Pit
Lion’s Den competition
For Start Up registration and more info please visit:
Interested in showcasing your Start Up, Have a question?
Contact one of our committee members
Co- Chairs: Danielle Faber & Ben Shapiro
Committee Members: Kevin Climans, Eliav Shaked, Ben Walt, Jacqueline Ness, Jordan Michael, Aaron Shapiro