Tuesday, February 13, 2024 | 7:30 PM
Kiran Bisla is Acting Detective Sergeant with Intelligence Services – Hate Crime Unit. Kiran represents the Toronto Police Service as part of the Hate Crime and Extremism Investigative Team and is the co-Chair of the RCMPs & CRRF National Hate Crime Task Force subcommittee on Hate Crime Reporting and Recording.
Kiran has worked in the Unit for over 13 years and is regarded as a hate crime subject matter expert. She has been involved in a number of high-profile hate-motivated criminal investigations both at a municipal and multi-jurisdictional level including the Your Ward News (YWN) investigation. The YWN prosecution marked the first time a Canadian court convicted someone for promoting hatred against women since women were added to the hatred provisions in the Criminal Code in 2017.
Roger Desrochers is an Inspector assigned to Intelligence. Roger has 25 years of policing experience and currently manages several units including hate crime where he reports directly to the Unit Commander, Superintendent Katherine Stephenson. He has also worked as an Inspector in 31 Division and the Toronto Police Operations Centre (TPOC) under the role of Duty Senior Officer.
Katherine Stephenson has 23 years of experience with the Toronto Police Service and currently holds the rank of Superintendent. Supt. Stephenson started her career as a uniform officer and continued with assignments in drug enforcement, Intelligence-Covert Operations, and Homicide.
Supt. Stephenson is currently assigned as the Unit Commander of Intelligence Services, where she is responsible for Hate Crime, National Security, Cyber Crime, and Covert Operations. Her role at Intelligence also includes the oversight for the collection of intelligence, analysis and dissemination within the Service and at an international level.
Outside of investigating, Supt. Stephenson is a member of the Major Cities Chiefs Association – Intelligence Commanders Group and represents the Service on several National and Provincial Intelligence and Organized Crime Committees.