Yesod B'nei Mitzvah Journey

1187B St. Clair Avenue Wes
Floor 2
Toronto, ON M6E 1B5

Tamar Goldberg
P: 416-805-8382

Yesod (Hebrew for “foundation”) is a year-long program that grounds youth in their Jewish heritage through a group experience that is rooted in the natural world. With a strong focus on deep nature-connection, joyful Jewish ritual, and interdependent resilience, our mentors support and guide our B’nei Mitzvahs in their first steps on the path of adulthood. The Yesod program includes Yamim (Days) B’Naiture (Sundays), Evenings B’Yachad (Together) (Wednesdays), and Shabbat B'Naiture (culminating Shabbaton) 


Dates: September 2022 - June 2023

Ages: Students in Grades 7 and 8

Times: Sunday day longs (monthly), Wednesday evenings (monthly), Full Weekend (year end program)

Locations: Various parks, ravines, and urban wild spaces in midtown and downtown Toronto; some Yom B’Naiture Sunday programs will take place at Bela Farm and conservation areas within a one-hour drive of Toronto; the closing Shabbaton will take place a two-hour drive of Toronto. Shoresh will help families facilitate car-pooling.

*All levels of Jewish learning and practice are welcome.*

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