Uptown Chabad Family Shul

92 Clanton Park Road
Toronto, ON M3H 2E2

Rabbi Moshe Steiner
P: (416) 635-9696

Since its establishment in 2006, Uptown Chabad has touched the lives of hundreds of families in central North York with programs that engage, educate and inspire Jewish people of every background.

Families benefit from dozens of Uptown Chabad programs and services that include Jewish learning opportunities for adults, teens and children. Inclusive holiday programs, inspiring women’s events, Shabbat Youth Zone and Gan Chabad Preschool are all features of our quality programming.

Scores of families are now regulars at Uptown Chabad’s Family Shul which continues to gain momentum and popularity as a house of prayer that transcends every stereotype. At the Family Shul, each person, regardless of background or affiliation is made to feel truly welcome and valued and is given the opportunity to explore and grow in an environment that is warm and non-judgemental.

All Uptown Chabad programs are open to everyone. We rely on you, our friends, supporters and patrons to ensure that our programs and services continue to reach every Jew.


Rabbi Moshe Steiner (Director) Rabbi@uptownchabad.com
Yehudis Steiner (Associate Director)

Accessibility: Wheelchair accessible, washrooms wheelchair accessible  

*For Preschool Contact: ganchabadpreschool@gmail.com

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