Temple Har Zion Religious School

7360 Bayview Avenue
Thornhill, ON L3T 2R7

Judy Silver
P: (905) 889-2252 x 104

Temple Har Zion Religious School

School Location: 
7360 Bayview Avenue
Thornhill, Ontario
L3T 2R7

Beit Midrash
Day of the Week: 

Time: 9:30-12:30pm

Grade: JK- Grade 6

Beit Noar
Day of the Week:

Time: 6:00-8:00 pm

Grade: Grades 7-10

Beit Ivrit
Day of the Week:

Time: 5:30-7:15pm With Dinner

Grade: Grades 3-6

Rachel Saslove, Executive Director -  rachel@harzion.ca

Judy Silver, Director of Education- judy@harzion.ca


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