Vibrant Reform congregation of 550 families. Children's and Youth Hebrew and Judaica classes (JK - grade 10), adult education, youth and adult choirs, youth group, and more.
Temple Har Zion is an egalitarian Reform congregation with music-filled, engaging and participatory Shabbat Services, weekly Torah Study, daily morning Services, a monthly Family Service and monthly Tot Shabbat Service.
We have a very talented lay choir. We are also known for our engaging Religious Education program commencing in Junior Kindergarten through to Confirmation in Grade 10. The Community-at-large is welcome to register their children in JK-Grade 3 in our Religious School. We have many active groups within our congregation, including junior and senior youth choirs and youth groups (from grade 5 to grade 12), Social Action committee, Israel committee, Brotherhood, Sisterhood and others providing us with a wide variety of religious, educational, social and other programs.
We also provide a very full range of enriching and stimulating afternoon and evening Adult Education programs. We are a warm, welcoming and diverse community, continuing to welcome members from all Jewish backgrounds, including those in interfaith and same gender relationships. Temple Har Zion is proud to be celebrating its 50th anniversary.
Judy Silver (Educational Director of Education) Tel: (905) 889-2252 x 104
Rabbi Cory Weiss (Spiritual Leader) Tel: (905) 889-2252 x 101
Cantor Rachael Littman Tel: (905) 889-2252 x 101 x 102
Morris Maron (Interim Executive Director) Tel: (905) 889-2252 x 103