Reform - affiliated with Union for Reform Judaism
Located in Mississauga and offering educational & cultural activities. Shabbat & Holiday services, Hebrew & religious school, youth group and adult programs.
Solel, a dynamic Reform Congregation with strong traditional leanings in service and religious practice, has earned a reputation for being particularly welcoming through their involvement within the Jewish community, especially with youth. It is also involved with the community at large, initiating and participating in on-going programmes for the advancement of social justice and for the emphasis placed on lifelong Jewish learning.
Contacts: Rabbi Lawrence Englander (Rabbi)
Ted Greenberg (President)
Accessibility: Wheelchair accessible. Bimah accessible to wheelchairs. Large print prayer books. Accommodation for those with hearing impairments.
Solel's school is praised by educators in Canada and the U.S. and adults can fill their appetites for learning, everything from B'nei Mitzvah to challah baking.
A dynamic and approachable Rabbi, active Sisterhood, youth group, cemetery rights, High Holiday tickets and services for the hearing impaired. For information please contact office.