NCSY Montreal


Jacob Levy
P: 514-553-6047

NCSY Montreal runs exciting programs and events for Jewish teens in high school and upper elementary in the island of Montreal. Through its social, recreational, and learning programs, NCSY Montreal connects teens to their Jewish heritage while exposing them to a close social circle of friends with whom they share common values and interests.

Programs and events include

  • Shaar Chapter activities
  • Learn and Earn
  • Latte and Learn for our juniors in Grades 6-8
  • JSU (Jewish Student Union) clubs for seniors and juniors in the teens’ home schools or local synagogue
  • Live2Give for Girls, a social action program
  • Bat Mitzvah Program for girls aged 11 and 12
  • holiday and social programs
  • local and regional shabbatons, where they join hundreds of other NCSY teens from chapters across Canada

Our NCSY summer programs:

  • The Jerusalem Journey (TJJ) is a 4-week tour of Israel that takes teens from the Golan in the North to Eilat in the South
  • The Jerusalem Journey Ambassadors Poland (TJJ AP), takes teens to Poland for one week, followed by three weeks in Israel.

To find out how you can join our fabulous programs and events, contact a member of our team.

Rivka Swartz, Montreal City Coordinator

Tel: 514-553-6047 | Email:

Mindy Zobin, Parenting Programs Coordinator

Tel: 514-886-5179 | Email:

Jacob Levy, Program Coordinator

Tel: 514-865-5924| Email:

Eliana Rohr, Shaar Chapter Advisor

Tel: (514) 775-5440

To learn more about NCSY’s Montreal Chapter, please visit:

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