Chabad Lubavitch Community Centre

770 Chabad Gate
Thornhill, ON L4J 3V9

Rabbi Moshe Spalter
P: (905) 731-7000
F: (905) 731-7005

Orthodox, affiliated with Lubavitch

Daily, Shabbat and holiday services. Advice & questions re: Jewish ritual & law; home hospitality for Shabbat. An outreach organization dedicated to preserve and perpetuate Judaism. Through the network of satellite centres throughout the GTA, the organization strives ceaselessly to heighten an awareness, appreciation and participation in Jewish life among all segments of the community.

Through innovative programs, learning opportunities and publications which encourage ritual observance, Chabad Lubavitch links Jews to their heritage.  

Sponsors the Jewish Learning Institute; comprehensive Adult Education courses.  


Contacts:  Rabbi Yossi Gansburg (Director of Education) Tel. (905) 731-7000 

Goldy Grossbaum (Friendship Circle Toronto) Tel. (905) 763-4040

Rabbi Yitzchok Grossbaum Grossbaum (Director) Tel. (905) 



Daily Minyan - Call office for times  Kaddish Services - Call office for times

This directory of Jewish organizations reflects only non commercial enterprises.
For a full list of those organizations that are UJA Federation beneficiaries please click here.