Canadian Friends of Peace Now

119-660 Eglinton Avenue East #517
Toronto, ON M4G 2K2

Rachel Katz
P: 1-866-405-5387

Supports Peace Now in Israel. Actively encourages dialogue & negotiations for a secure peace with Israel's Arab neighbours.

CFPN is an organization in the Canadian Jewish community dedicated solely to promoting peace between Israel and its Arab neighbours. CFPN  supports Peace Now, Israel's largest, most established grassroots peace movement.

Started in 1982, CFPN has branches in Toronto, Montreal, and Ottawa. It sponsors public lectures and visits to Canada by Israeli and Palestinian peace activists. It also holds fundraising activities to support Peace Now's educational programs in Israel.  

In the past, Israel's Peace Now helped pave the way and mobilized public support for the Oslo peace process. Today, the movement continues to sponsor dialogue between Israelis and Palestinians and to advocate a two-state solution as the basis for mutual co-existance. Toll free 1-866-405-5387

Rachel Katz

Gabriella Goliger, President

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