Canadian Friends Of Meir Medical Hospital

12 Cotswold Crescent
Toronto, ON M2P 2M9

Daliah Raif (National Director)
P: (416) 226-2821
F: (416) 226-2877

The Meir Medical Centre is the central medical centre of the Sharon and Shomron area.

The capabilities of the Meir Medical Centre and the technological advancements it offers in the field of medicine and research has made it a foundation stone amongst the population of the Sharon and Shomron area.  

The hospital is a highway junction for the meeting of the Arab and Jewish populations due to its unique capabilities, and as such serves as a local symbol of Arab-Jewish co-existence in the State of Israel.

This directory of Jewish organizations reflects only non commercial enterprises.
For a full list of those organizations that are UJA Federation beneficiaries please click here.