B’nai Brith Canada is the country’s oldest independent Jewish Human Rights organization. We are a principled grassroots voice, dedicated to eradicating racism, antisemitism and hatred in all its forms, championing the rights of the marginalized, while providing basic human needs for members of our community.
B'NAI BRITH CANADA is recognized as a vital voice in promoting Jewish unity and continuity, a staunch defender of the State of Israel and global Jewry, a tireless advocate on behalf of senior citizens and a leader in combating antisemitism and racism. Our support comes from thousands of Canadian families with diverse backgrounds and interests that empower the organization to speak to government, to media and to the public at large, on issues of concern to the Jewish community.
B’nai Brith’s wide-ranging educational and social programming, community and volunteer services, and human rights initiatives provide a source of connection, continuity and support to Canada’s Jewish community.
B’nai Brith Canada today is comprised of The League for Human Rights, The Committee for Justice in Canada, B’nai Brith Sports, and Community Engagement Programming.
Antihate hotline 1-800-892-2624
Has a seniors outreach centre.
Franklin Switzer, Chair of the Board
Michael Mostyn, CEO