Men's lodge active in social events.
The Blue Star Lodge is a vibrant and respected Jewish fraternal organization. Established in 1951 with its roots in the post-war wave of East European Jewish immigration, the Lodge now boasts a membership of approximately 120 members and offers a variety of benefits. The Lodge is primarily a social organization, providing fun events such as bowling parties, trips to theatre and dinner shows for its members and their families throughout the year.
The Lodge also provides its members with a term life insurance policy and cemetery plots which are paid for through modest annual dues. All members are welcomed to attend and kibbitz at the monthly breakfast meetings. The Blue Star Lodge is a secular organization and is not affiliated with any synagogue.
New members are always welcomed. "We're proud The Blue Star Lodge has been around for more than 50 years," says Dave Zaretsky, Past President. "The Lodge has prospered for so many years because of its long and proud history of being responsive to the needs of its members and their families."
Contact: Steve Levant (President)