Beit Rayim Hebrew School

Vaughan Jewish Community Campus
9600 Bathurst Street Suite 243
Vaughan, ON L6A 3Z8

P: (905) 303-5471 ext 3007

We teach girls and boys equally to become educated, committed and ethical members of the Jewish community.

Our program consists of Hebrew reading, holiday celebrations, music program and award winning Family Education programs.  

The school operates two days per week for grades 2-7 and one day per week for JK to Grade 1. Format meets USCJ standards for Bar/Bat Mitzvah at any Conservative synagogue. Designated as a United Synagogue "Framework for Excellence School."

Day of the Week: Sunday and Thursday

Sunday 9:15am-12:30pm
Thursday 6:00om-7:30pm

Grade: JK- Grade 7
Bnai Mitzvah Program 

School Admin: Raquelle Revi 

905-303-5471 ex.3007


Senior Jewish Educator: Margot Bychutsky

905-303-5471 ex.3726


Executive Director: Marlene Rosen

905-303-5471 ex.3720


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