School offers a Chassidic education imbued with the beauty of Chabad Chassidus and its philosophy.
For years there was a demand by the parents for a high school that would provide their daughters with a Chassidic education during their most formative years, and education imbued with the beauty of Chabad Chassidus and its philosophy. The opening of this school is the realization of their dream.
The school established in 1999 is named after the Rebbitzen Chaya Mushka Schneerson o.b.m. wife of the Lubavitcher Rebbe. The mission of the school is to create dedicated future leaders for the Jewish people, and role models for their respective families.
The school provides a wholesome education for high school girls by emphasizing the positive approach of Chabad Chassidus and the Rebbe's Vision of perfecting the world. Offers a full Hebrew and English programme. English programme is fully accredited by the Ministry of Education.
Contacts: Chani Janowski (General Studies Principal), Mrs. Wagner Rochi (Judaic Studies Principal)