Since 1977 ARZA has been the principal voice for Israel on behalf of the Reform Movement in Canada.
ARZA Canada is committed to building relationships between Reform Jews in Canada and in Israel, and with committed Zionists around the world. To this end a wide range of programs and initiatives are designed to strengthen ties with the Israel Movement for Progressive Judaism and deepen the connection with Canada's broader Jewish community.
These include: Developing educational programs to promote awareness of, and support for, Israel throughout our communities and congregations; Fostering stronger connections between the Canadian Reform Movement and the Israel Reform Movement - from a congregational perspective, an individual perspective and between the constituent organizations; actively advocating on matters of importance to Israel and liberal Judaism, both within Canada and around the world; and increasing membership so that it can continue to speak as one of the largest religious Zionist organizations in the country.
ARZA Canada advocates on behalf of Reform Judaism within the Jewish State, before Israeli Embassy and Consulates, the Canadian Zionist Federation and Canadian Jewish Congress. It also works for the development of Reform institutions both in Israel and in other countries, especially in the former Soviet Union.
Miriam Pearlman -