
9 2016

Plug into PJ…Parents Cook - Getting Your Family off the White Stuff


Beth Radom Congregation
Toronto, ON


Contact Cindy Joseph

We have all heard that white flour and white sugar is bad for us. But how do we make the switch? How do we convince our family? Do you find the task overwhelming?

Please come with an open mind and an empty stomach as PJ Library and Beth Radom Congregation present Jason Spilberg of Nutrition Inspired as he takes you through some of the finer details about "The White Stuff" and what you can do to replace it.  It is not as difficult as you may think.....It's all about the tools, and Jason will have them to share!

This is a FREE event!

For more info, please contact: Cindy@bethradom.com

Registration: www.whitestuff.eventbrite.ca