Teen Spotlight: Kate Blumberg

Interested in getting more involved in your synagogue, but not sure where to start?

This month, we’re featuring Kate Blumberg, a teen whose combined passion for music and Jewish identity has helped her become a leader in her synagogue community.

Music had always been a major part of Kate’s life and Jewish identity and is what initially led her to become involved at Temple Sinai, where she joined the choir several years ago. Throughout the years, Kate’s personal connection with her temple grew, as she saw the positive impact her participation had on her personal growth – she says that learning about Judaism through her involvement allowed her to shape a Jewish identity that is uniquely hers.

When she entered high school, Kate took on a leadership role, becoming the grade 9 representative, as well as the religious & cultural representative for the League of Temple Sinai Senior Youth (LOTSSY), which brings teens together through the Jewish value of Tikkun Olam (repairing the world). In her role, Kate focuses on integrating Judaism into LOTSSY’s events and tries to find new ways to help teens connect with their Jewish identity in a positive manner. Kate also continues to be part of two choirs at Temple Sinai, including an inter-generational choir that includes members of all ages.

Kate plans to continue her involvement in her temple throughout high school and looks forward to helping more teens build a strong relationship with the Jewish culture, religion and community.

Inspired by Kate’s story and want to get more involved in your own synagogue?

Here are a couple ways you can get started!

  1. Check out your synagogue’s website to learn about their teen programming and leadership opportunities
  2. Connect with your rabbi or synagogue professional to see what volunteer and/or leadership opportunities are available