
25 2014


2:00PM - 5:30PM  

Miles Nadal Jewish Community Centre 750 Spadina Avenue
Toronto, ON

Contact Harriet Wichin

A community celebration of mameloshn! Yiddish and English lectures with Dr. Yael Chaver, Elly Gotz and Dr. Goldie Morgentaler. Grand Finale Yiddish Concert w/Vira Lozinsky & the Emily Aybiner Ensemble co-presented by Ashkenaz Foundation. Lectures 2-6 pm; Concert 8 pm.

Fees: $ 20.00 - Concert, in advance $ 25.00 - Concert, at the door +HST $ 25.00 - +HST, Advance lecture/concert combo $ 10.00 - For lecture package

Sponsor: Miles Nadal Jewish Community Centre

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