
18 2017

Wit, Voice and Vision: Three Jewish Poets

7:30PM - 9:00PM  

Holy Blossom Temple 1950 Bathurst Street
Toronto, ON


Contact Sara Novak

Ron Charach, Ken Sherman, Adam Sol, with Michael Greenstein, literary critic

Three Toronto Jewish poets who use wit as a pathway to wisdom will read poems on Jewish themes in celebration of National Poetry Month.

Born in Toronto, Kenneth Sherman is the author of three books of prose and ten books of poetry, including the highly acclaimed long poems, Words for Elephant Man and Black River. His most recent publications are Wait Time: A Memoir of Cancer, and the poetry collection, Jogging with the Great Ray Charles.

Ron Charach's most recent poetry books are Forgetting the Holocaust and Prosopagnosia. His dystopian novel cabana the big, a Canadian response to all things Trump was published last fall. He has been a member at Holy Blossom for the past 35 years.

Adam Sol has published four collections of poetry, including Complicity (M&S 2014) and Jeremiah, Ohio (Anansi 2008). He has also published fiction, scholarly essays, and reviews for a variety of publications. Most recently he started a blog called How a Poem Moves - howapoemmoves.wordpress.com.

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