
29 2015

Vocal Workshop with Yiddish Barbershop Quartet "Julius"

10:30AM - 2:30PM  

918 Bathurst (Event Centre) 918 Bathurst St.
S of Dupont
Toronto, ON

Contact Ashkenaz Foundation Jeff

$ Cost $ 15.00

Join the members of the all-star Yiddish barbershop quartet Julius for an interactive and entertaining program celebrating Yiddish music. The collective experience and expertise of Josh Dolgin (Socalled), Anthony Russell, Mitch Smolkin and David Wall spans a vast range of Yiddish music, including folk, theatre, choral, cabaret and art song. Learn about the work of each of these artists and their influences, hear rare archival recordings from their personal collections, and sing with them in an “instant choir.”

Advance registration required

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