
10 2016

The House: Age is Just a Number

1:30PM - 4:00PM  

Cummer Lodge Nursing Home 205 Cummer Avenue
Toronto, ON M2M 2E8

Contact Bonnie Oppenheimer
SIGN UP HERE: https://ageisjustanumberpassover.eventbrite.ca
416 482 9025 ext 3

Music is memory. Music is medicine.

Join The House as we share our love of music with the seniors at Cummer Lodge, accompanied by piano, dance and more!

Inspired by the concept of “Tikkun Olam” ̶ an ongoing search for opportunities to heal, repair and transform the world ̶ The House’s Age is Just a Number aims to build harmony and bridge the generation gap by strengthening the bond between our youth and those who have laid the groundwork for our future.

Watch as we brighten the residents’ lives one note at a time through the tunes of the holidays. This edition, take a trip with us out of Egypt through a powerful, uplifting musical recounting of Passover.


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