
9 2023

TEMPLE HAR ZION | Kavanah Shabbat

6:30PM - 8:00PM  

Temple Har Zion 7360 Bayview Avenue
Thornhill, ON L3T 2R7


Contact Temple Har Zion

A Meditative-Musical Shabbat Experience

Elie Wiesel taught: “When we pray as a community, we are rescued from our loneliness — we are no longer alone. Our voices are not lost to the chaos of the world.”

Come with an open mind and an open heart! Everyone is welcome to join Rabbi Cory Weiss, Cantor Rachael Littman, and Music Director Eleanor Ackerman Rice at this new kind of worship experience: KAVANAH SHABBAT, where we will focus our hearts and souls on music that moves us as a worship community. We will go “deep” rather than “broad” by focusing on a handful of words and melodies, tapping into them in new ways that can affect us powerfully internally and externally, on an individual and group level.

Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel taught that prayer should take us out of our heads and into our hearts. Kavanah Shabbat is designed to do just that: use music, chant, breathing and meditation to bring us to new levels.

Those who had attended our first Kavanah Shabbat unanimously agreed that it was the most relaxing service they have ever experienced!

REGISTER: https://www.harzion.ca/event/kavanah-shabbatjune9

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