
11 2016


13 2016

Shavuot at Beth Tikvah

8:30PM - 8:55PM  

Beth Tikvah Synagogue 3080 Bayview Avenue
Toronto, ON M2N 5L3

Contact Beth Tikvah Synagogue

Saturday, June 11
Minhah/Ma’ariv – 8:30 PM

Tikkun Leil Shavuot – 10:00 PM
Dr. Shawna Dolansky—The Biblical Ten Commandments
Many of us can recite at least some of the famous list of “Thou shalt nots.” But, few of us ever think about whether or not the prohibitions refer to what we think they refer to. What was actually meant by such concepts that we translate as “adultery,” “graven image,” “bearing false witness,” “taking the Lord’s name in vain,” and “only one God?” Written thousands of years ago in a place and language very different from ours, many of the laws don’t actually discuss – or prohibit – the things we might think they do. Dr. Shawna Dolansky is currently Adjunct Research Fellow at Carleton University’s College of the Humanities.

Tikkun For Tweens and Annual Sugar Bowl

Overnight Program –12:30 AM
Bracha Feder: “Justice & Mercy: When & Why”
Steve McDonald: “When it comes to the commandments, does intent matter?”
Rabbi Grover: “The Most Difficult Halakhic Case in Jewish History”

While there will be no charge for the program or the refreshments, we ask that you please reserve with the office by June 2.

Sunday, June 12
Early Shaharit – 4:30 AM
Shaharit – 9:00 AM
Minhah/Ma’ariv – 7:00 PM

Monday, June 13
Shaharit-Yizkor – 8:45 AM
Minhah/Ma’ariv – 8:55 PM

This calendar is provided as a public information service. UJA Federation does not endorse the content of non-UJA events listed in this calendar.

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