With Sharoni Sibony
“Over the coming century, the most vital human resource in need of conservation and protection is likely to be our own consciousness and mental space.” – Tim Wu, author of The Attention Merchants: The Epic Scramble to Get Inside our Heads
We believe that deep attention is good for the soul. In Jewish life, Sunday is a great time to boost your spiritual creativity and deepen your self-awareness — Day One of the week, a fresh chapter, when we can “let there be” new insights and seeds of growth. Using the Jewish Studio Process, we’ll do a combination of Beit Midrash – the study of texts from Jewish tradition and the contemporary world – and side-by-side art- or mark-making. Everyone will have a chance to draw, paint, or collage – using whatever medium delights you each month, followed by a chance for quiet self-reflection and optional group sharing. Join us for the whole series, or come as your schedule permits. Please note: we will meet IN PERSON at Holy Blossom Temple and all source sheets and art materials will be provided.
Sharoni Sibony is Holy Blossom Temple’s Adult Education Coordinator and a Jewish Studio Project Facilitator.
Sponsor: Presented by the Schwartz/Reisman Centre for Adult Jewish Learning at Holy Blossom Temple